Façade Pattern

Façade pattern hides the complexities of the system, and provides a simpler interface to clients. Façade wraps a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface, and decouples the subsystems from its clients.

In the class diagram below, we can see: When a client needs to retrieve user address information, or salaray information, it will talks to UserFacade class only. UserFacade will provide a simple interface to the client, and communicate with its sub systems: UserProfileManager, Salarymanager etc.

Façade pattern

Check List
Here is the check list to apply/implement Façade Pattern.

  • Define a simpler interface for the subsystems
  • Design a facade class that encapsulates the subsystem
  • The facade captures the complexity of the subsystem, and delegates to the appropriate methods
  • The client uses the Facade


Step 1 – create subsystem interface

Step 2 – Create classes which implement the above interface

step 3 – create façade class

Step 3 – write a client to talk to façade


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